Helpful Tips And Advice On Becoming A Pro Poker Player

There is always a little bit of magic that comes to mind when you think about someone who is really good at poker. You might be picturing someone sexy, just a little dangerous, and someone who lives a glamorous life. Famous gamblers like Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp and any number of attractive Hollywood characters help to cement these ideas in our mind. However, the reality of the lifestyle is very different from what you see on television, and there are many benefits and disadvantages. Here is a little advice on becoming a pro poker player to help you determine whether or not this life is right for you.

Where Should You Go?

Location used to be a big factor in someone's ability to be successful - if you didn't live in Las Vegas, you could say goodbye to your dreams. In other words, the biggest casino resorts like those in Las Vegas were considered a stepping stone in starting a professional poker career. Especially with their hefty welcome packages and free promotional bonuses that are more than helpful while sharpening the skills. However, there are now not only brick and mortar casinos in many areas of the country, but many great Internet-based gambling websites as well. This has made it possible to make a career of it from almost anywhere. Traveling around the country to different casinos is also a possibility for many and can richly enhance the lifestyle in many ways. Do some research about the number and quality of the casinos where you live and the probability of your earning capabilities in the area.

Who Can Help You?

If you are still not sure if this is right for you, shadowing someone who knows what he or she is doing and observing his or her career moves can shed a lot of light on the nitty-gritty details of the day to day reality. They can give you the most intimate advice on becoming a pro poker player. Arrange a time to sit down and discuss the real advantages and disadvantages of making a living playing poker professionally. It is important to remember that few people are realistically able to earn their whole living simply with cards. Even the big-name championship winners supplement their income by selling things like instructional books and videos.

Why Are You Really Doing This?

Ask yourself this tough question: why do you really want to do this for a living? Do you really love the game and feel sure about playing it your whole life? Are you attracted to the high profile world and want to be around other players? If you answered yes to the latter, you may want to consider the job of being a dealer, immersed in the game and yet still receiving a normal paycheck. It's important to really search yourself and know why you want to do this before simply jumping in with both feet. This can help you avoid frustrating and painful burnout later on.

By using this advice on becoming a pro poker player as a starting point, you should be able to ask the real questions and figure out if this is really what you want to do and where to go from here. This career may be tough to get into, but there's no question about it - it can be richly rewarding.